Ruth Kuganja Biography

Ruth Kuganja, a rising singer hailing from Kayirikiti Masaka, has forged an inspiring path marked by determination, resilience, and innate talent. Born into a modest family, Ruth navigated financial challenges and limited opportunities in her early years, refusing to be defined by her circumstances.

Discovering her musical passion at a young age, Ruth embarked on her musical journey without formal training or access to resources. Singing at local events became her training ground, showcasing her commitment to honing her skills. To support herself financially while pursuing her musical aspirations, Ruth took on the physically demanding job of a bricklayer, demonstrating her unwavering work ethic and determination.

Her dedication caught the attention of renowned music promoter Herbert Shonga, leading to her signing with Shonga Music Label. With the support of her mentor, Ruth recorded her debut song, "Tuli Bubi," drawing inspiration from her life experiences. The song resonated with music enthusiasts, garnering significant viewership across various streaming platforms.

Ruth's exceptional talent earned her recognition in the Hi Skool Awards, where she triumphed in the New Female Act category. This accomplishment not only validated her hard work but also opened doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Acknowledging the support she received, Ruth, alongside her sister Chosen Becky, expressed gratitude and dedicated the award to fellow dreamers and underdogs who courageously pursue their passions.

Presently, Ruth Kuganja boasts a diverse repertoire of songs and eagerly anticipates the imminent release of her latest track, "Nayawula," in the coming days. Her journey continues to inspire, highlighting the transformative power of determination and talent in overcoming adversity.