Bash Killa

Bash Killa

Bash Killa is a Ugandan audio produced, mixer and sound engineer. He has produced several hit songs including “Nkulinze” by Martha Mukisa and “Freaky Friday” by Ugaboys.

SELECT s.song_id, s.song_title, s.song_artist_id, s.song_artist_name, s.song_featured_artists, s.song_cover_id, s.song_status, s.song_duration, s.song_spotlight, c.cover_id, c.cover_image, a.artist_id, a.artist_name, a.artist_slug, a.artist_image, a.artist_status FROM songs s LEFT JOIN artists a ON s.song_artist_id = a.artist_id LEFT JOIN covers c ON c.cover_id = s.song_cover_id WHERE FIND_IN_SET('Bash Killa', song_spotlight) > 0 ORDER BY s.song_id DESC LIMIT 0, 200
