Abitex Claims Alien Skin Outshines Eddy Kenzo and Bebe Cool

Abitex made the remarks during an interview with a local radio station, where he shed light on Alien Skin's ability to captivate audiences.

Abitex Claims Alien Skin Outshines Eddy Kenzo and Bebe Cool

Published: about 1 year ago

The renowned events promoter Abbey Musinguzi, widely known as Abitex, boldly expressed his conviction that Alien Skin, a rising star in the music industry, surpasses the likes of Eddy Kenzo, the BET award winner, and Bebe Cool, the Gagamel boss. Abitex made these remarks during an exclusive interview with a local radio station, where he shed light on Alien Skin's remarkable influence and ability to captivate audiences.

According to Abitex, both Eddy Kenzo and Bebe Cool have failed to leave a significant mark on the music scene compared to the emerging talent of Alien Skin. He praised Alien Skin's unique style and impact, highlighting that only artists like Chameleone and Bobi Wine possess the same ability to sway the industry.

With over three decades of experience in organizing events, Abitex emphasized that he has witnessed numerous artists come and go, but Alien Skin's influence stands unparalleled. He expressed his admiration for Alien Skin's ability to capture the hearts and minds of fans, leaving a lasting impression on the industry.

"I have organized events for more than thirty years, but I have never seen Kenzo and Bebe Cool influence the industry like Alien Skin has done. It's only Chameleone and Bobi Wine who can sway the industry," Abitex passionately stated.

Abitex's remarks came as he prepares for Alien Skin's highly anticipated concert which took place on Friday at Freedom City in Namasuba to a record attendance where hundreds of people were denied entry after the venue was filled to capacity.

Alien Skin, a talent who has quickly risen through the ranks, has gained widespread recognition for their exceptional musical abilities and distinctive style. His artistic vision has resonated with audiences, garnering a dedicated following across the country.

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