"Pot Calling the Kettle Black" ... Bad Black criticizes Pretty Nicole

Bad Black, herself a controversial figure known for sharing risque content online, wasted no time in condemning Pretty Nicole after the latter's nude video leaked.

"Pot Calling the Kettle Black" ... Bad Black criticizes Pretty Nicole

Published: about 1 year ago

In a move that has raised eyebrows across social media, Ugandan socialite Bad Black has come out to criticize fellow social media personality Pretty Nicole, following the leak of a private video in which Nicole appears naked.

Bad Black wasted no time in condemning Nicole's actions, expressing bewilderment at the motivations behind such behavior.

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"I can't comprehend why girls these days feel compelled to expose themselves in such a manner," she remarked. "Perhaps it's a quest for fame or the result of manipulation by deceptive men."

Black, herself a controversial figure known for sharing risque content online, went on to specifically target Nicole, calling her "a young woman of undeniable beauty and physique now thrust into the spotlight with her most intimate moments laid bare for the world to see." Bad Black added. "It's disheartening to witness such incidents, especially when they are self-inflicted."

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Black's criticism has been met with mixed reactions, with some viewers questioning the sincerity of her comments given her own history of sharing suggestive content online.

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